
Virginia Wild Life

Virginia is home to a diverse range of wildlife, from black bears and whitetail deer to bald eagles and river otters. Here are some of the top wildlife species to spot in Virginia:

  1. Black Bears – Virginia is home to a growing population of black bears, which can be found in the mountainous regions of the state. Visitors should take caution when hiking or camping in bear country and always follow park regulations.
  2. Whitetail Deer – Virginia’s state animal is the whitetail deer, and they can be found throughout the state in both rural and suburban areas. They are most active at dawn and dusk, making those the best times to spot them.
  3. Bald Eagles – Once on the brink of extinction, bald eagles have made a remarkable recovery in Virginia and can now be found throughout the state. They are most commonly spotted near bodies of water where they hunt for fish.
  4. River Otters – Virginia’s rivers and streams are home to river otters, which can be spotted swimming and playing in the water. They are most active at dawn and dusk.
  5. Red Foxes – Red foxes can be found throughout Virginia, and are most commonly spotted in rural areas. They are active year-round and can often be seen hunting for small prey.
  6. Wild Turkeys – Virginia’s state game bird is the wild turkey, which can be found throughout the state. They are most commonly spotted in rural areas and are often seen in large groups.
  7. Coyotes – Coyotes have become increasingly common in Virginia in recent years, and can now be found in both rural and suburban areas. They are most active at night.

These are just a few of the many species of wildlife that can be found in Virginia. Visitors should always respect the animals and their habitats, and follow all park regulations when observing wildlife.

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